Frequently asked questions

Our servers update matches every 5 minutes. Try to wait a little bit until the matches are processed!

Yes you can! We are a team of software engineers that are happy to welcome to people! Join our Discord

We plan on extending our services beyonde the DPC ecosystem at some point.

We plan on storing match data for the entire DPC season, TI to TI.

In the upcoming weeks, advanced matchdata will be provided. Just wait a little bit longer!

We are always looking for partners an opportunities. Write us an Email or join our discord!

I you would like access to our APIS, feel free to contact us or ask directly in our discord!

Join our discord and report bugs directly there! If you have suggestions, feels free to tell us what you feel should be added!

Yes! We plan on to implement a multi language version. If you wish to help, join our discord!

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